Faculty Work
Faculty Work
UNI ScholarWorks, the University of Northern Iowa's institutional repository contains a variety of faculty work. Collections include the following:
Faculty and Staff can submit information about your publications directly to UNI ScholarWorks through a "Submit Research" link. This new feature allows you to share information about your work directly with ScholarWorks staff. Library staff will process your work and follow up with any potential questions.
Additional information related to faculty in UNI ScholarWorks
- UNI ScholarWorks Brochure [Faculty Focused]
- Impact: Faculty/Staff Scholarly Publications & Featured Awards Newsletter (Rod Library, Research & Sponsored Programs and UNI Foundation)
Any materials that are important to your career can go on a SelectedWorks site, such as:
- Articles
- Contributions to books
- Records for books
- Conference presentations
- Other materials, such as books reviews, editorials, or dissertations.
Why Contribute?
- Where you publish makes a difference - studies have shown that open access articles have more views/downloads than non-open articles. Open access articles tend to be more frequently used and cited, therefore your research has more impact.
- Enhances professional visibility and impact through broader dissemination and increased use of research
- More citations to and downloads of works
- Provides quick, effortless, and inexpensive method of sharing research
- Helps remove the significant access barriers to research and publicly funded scholarship
- Provided substantial support of the University of Northern Iowa's scholarly communication efforts by facilitating the entire publishing and dissemination process
- Gives researcher information on how often their works are being used through monthly download reports
Library staff do all of the work.
Benefits include effective presentation of research activities and high visibility to potential funders and your disciplinary colleagues. You can highlight all types of works including publications, data, instructional material, presentations, images, videos, products of services activity, and more.
As a service of Rod Library, Digital Scholarship staff are available to help you through every step of the process.