Off-Campus Access
UNI students, faculty and staff can easily access library resources and services from off campus. Your CatID is used for remote access into licensed library resources.
To search the Library's licensed resources from your home or work computer, you need to be a currently enrolled UNI student, faculty or staff member. From the Library's website when you click on any link to a licensed database, ejournal or ebook, you should be taken to the university CatID login screen. If you don't use the Library's website to get to different resources, you may be taken to a vendor's website where UNI's CatID system is not recognized.
Services for Distance Learners
Rod Library is committed to giving UNI distance learners access to the Library's print and electronic collections in a timely manner so that students can successfully complete course assignments and university degrees without having to travel to campus. In order to receive Rod Library's extra document delivery services for distance learners, you must be taking a class through the Continuing Education and Special Programs Division, who will send all currently enrolled distance learners a brochure summarizing library services and a University ID card (per request). Guided Independent Study students receive a letter with their university ID number instead of a UNI ID card.