Scanning documents is an easy and convenient way to send yourself a copy of an article or other document. The Library offers three convenient options for scanning your documents and other materials. Details on each are below.
- KIC Scanners
- ViewScan Microfilm Scanners
- Digital Scanners
KIC Scanners
- Our three KIC scanners use state-of-the-art technology to scan a wide variety of documents, such as reports, books, pictures, art, journals, maps and drawings.
- Two scanners are located by the elevators and in the Panther Print Station along the West wall on second floor. The third is located by the Panther Print Station by Government Documents.
- For help, go to the Library Services desk.
ViewScan Microfilm Scanners
- We have two microfilm scanners, which allow you to instantly display high-resolution images, making browsing fast and easy using one of the ViewScanners and ViewScan Premium Software.
- The ViewScan can view all and save images from microforms, roll microfilm, microfiche, aperture cards, jackets, microcards and even color slides (ViewScan 4 Only).
- The scanners are located in the northeast corner of the first floor of Rod Library.
Digital Scanners
- The library has three digital scanners located in the Fortepan Room 260A.