Loan Periods
Students, faculty, staff, and visitors each have different loan periods for the materials they check out.
Details about late, lost, or damaged materials: As of July 2021, Rod Library no longer charges daily late fees for library materials. A lost item replacement fee will be issued for items that have reached the maximum level of overdue or returned damaged. If a lost item is returned within one year of the original due date, a full refund will be given. The library will not accept replacements or issue refunds after one year.
Most library items will reach maximum overdue one month past the due date. Most electronics and hourly check-outs will reach maximum overdue after one week.
An exact replacement, in new condition, will be considered in place of the replacement fees for most items. The Library Services Desk can assist with questions about what qualifies as an exact replacement.
Failure to return recalled items by their due dates may result in loss of library check-out privileges. Upon the return of recalled items, reinstatement of library borrowing privileges will occur.