Family Study Room - Policy on Usage
Rod Library’s Family Study Room is located in the Learning Commons on the main (2nd) floor of the library in room 260a. The room is intended for adult library patrons who are accompanied by children, and priority will be given accordingly. If you are using this room without children, you may be asked to leave.
- The room is available on a first-come, first-served basis. It cannot be reserved in advance.
- Use of the room, including the computers, is to be shared, with a maximum occupancy of 12. While there is no time limit, please be courteous to others wanting to use the room.
- Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times. Children are welcome in all parts of Rod Library.
- The room should be left clean and orderly. Please return toys and games, including all of their pieces, to their bins.
- The room is not soundproof. Please use headphones with the TV, computers, and personal devices. (Headphones may be checked out at the Library Services Desk.)
- If you encounter problems (computers not working, broken furniture, etc.) when you enter the room, please notify the staff at the Library Services Desk immediately.
- Failure to follow the Family Study Room rules may result in loss of room privileges.
- The Rod Library Food and Drink Policy applies in the Family Study Room.
Please refer to signage in the Family Study Room for updated information regarding nearby changing stations and lactation rooms.
Adopted or Revised Date: 09/20/2018
Review Date: